Reprogram your subconscious mind.


Have you ever wondered why certain thoughts and actions repeat themselves over and over again in your life?

The answer lies in your subconscious mind, which directs 95% of your mental processes. Many of these beliefs are completely outdated and do not align with who you really are.

Hypnosis is an open door to your subconscious mind, where you can reprogram old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you.

By immersing yourself in the theta state, your mind becomes highly receptive to change, making it the perfect state for retrieving memories, reframing patterns, perceptions and behaviors, allowing you to shed the obsolete and embrace the new.

With hypnotherapy, you will break ingrained negative habits and discover the power of your own neuroplasticity. On this journey, you are in control. During the session, your conscious mind can rest while you maintain full awareness and authority over your thoughts and actions.

“Hypnotherapy can be your ally in various aspects of your life.”

Phobias, habits or thoughts.

Identify the cause of your fears and exchange them for empowering thoughts. Overcome your phobias and return to doing things you once feared.

Stress/anxiety reduction.

Learn to deeply relax your body and calm mental chatter. Identify the root of your anxiety and exchange it for thoughts of peace and freedom. Self-hypnosis can help you fall asleep and sleep better.

Repetition is the key to success.
I have created a program where you will need three weeks of conscious effort to record a lasting new outcome.

My programs are designed to take you through 3 to 4 sessions, each one delving into your goals and removing layers of old habits.

Complete our Hypnosis Assessment so we can customize your session and start working together towards your healing.

I'll contact you to schedule your first session!

Spinal Energetics

Clear layers and rebalance the body

Spinal Energetics is a modality developed by Chiropractor and Counsellor Dr Sarah Jane. It is a practice that combines Eastern and Western thought, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves. Each living being is not just a physical form but also a being of energy. Energy encompasses each of our aspects; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul: Woven together with our ancestry, experiences, stories, personality, and character.

Energy is a spectrum from underactive to overactive. As Spinal Energetics practitioners, we intend to support our clients in meeting the middle path of homeostasis; balance, as we believe that wellbeing is each person’s birthright

Spinal Energetics


Through light yet powerful touch (and often no touch), an organic flow of movement and sound begins and progresses to shift, unwind, discover and release tension, resistance, and stories that may have been stored in the body. The movements and sounds are natural and primordial, they are a response to the treatment and are driven by an individual's energy, intuition and instinct.

Spinal Energetics is not something we ‘do’ to a client, it is a practice of collaboration to cultivate and support deep self-awareness in our clients to help them soften and-or strengthen patterns of resistance and-or submission that may be preventing wellbeing from flowing to them.

Influenced by various modalities, such as Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release and Pranayama. With the incorporation of philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions.

Bio-Energy Healing

Clear layers and rebalance the body

Our body is enveloped in an electromagnetic field of energy, known as the aura, which is our energy signature. When this field becomes imbalanced, anxiety, pain, sadness, and illness arise. Bio-Energy practitioners can channel this energy to remove blockages in our energy centers, the chakras, and restore balance and harmony within the body.

How does our field become imbalanced?

Stress, trauma, unhealthy habits, environmental factors, negative emotions, physical illnesses, spiritual factors, and energetic interference can disrupt the natural flow of our energy and imbalance our field.



A Bio Energy Healing session lasts 60 minutes.

We start with a brief conversation to understand your needs and explain the process.

Then, you lie down on a massage table fully clothed. I will work around your body, placing my hands on specific points to open, cleanse, and rebalance the energy.

During the session you may feel sensations of warmth, tingling, or changes in temperature. You will immerse yourself in a deep sense of relaxation and tranquility.

3-4 sessions is recommended for deeper healing.

Breath Is Life Method

Bring your body back in balance


Is a unique experience that blends carefully selected breathing and meditation techniques to bring you back to "stasis" - your natural state of balance and harmony.

We understand that anxiety, emotions, and trauma can leave a mark on our body and mind, causing pain, illness, and a dysregulated nervous system. But with proper breathing, we can break these cycles and limiting patterns by reprogramming our physiology. By changing oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, you enter a hypnotic state where trapped emotions are released and outdated beliefs are transformed.

It's a space of deep healing where your nervous system finds its natural rhythm again.

We have designed a system with weekly live practices so that you can access this transformational process. 

Alchemy: Cacao, Holotropic Breathwork, Meditation and Sound Bath

This fusion of practices is the perfect space for personal and spiritual transformation.


Cacao is an ancient teacher that helps us reconnect with our hearts, strengthen our relationships, and move forward with purpose and clarity in life. Traditionally used by the Mayans as sacred medicine, drinking cacao in community connects us with our inner wisdom and allows us to heal our ancestral parts.

Holotropic Breathwork, meaning "moving towards wholeness," is a rhythmic breathing technique that awakens and mobilizes the energy trapped in our wounded parts to release it. This invigorating breathwork quickly puts you in a trance state, facilitating the release of emotional and physical tensions.

The healing frequencies of Sound create a deep cellular resonance, restoring balance and harmony in our bodies. With instruments like gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and drums, these vibrations penetrate our cells, inducing deep relaxation and inner coherence.

We invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing, where you can free yourself from what no longer serves you and transform it into pure healing waves of love.

Sound Healing +
Breathwork + Meditation

Experience healing with sound.

Your body is a vibrant universe composed of billions of cells, each resonating at its own frequency. The thoughts you have and the environment you are in also have vibrations that influence you on a physical, mental, and emotional level. At Zentuary, we invite you to elevate your vibration and access states of well-being such as tranquility, calmness, peace, joy, and balance through Sound Healing.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is an ancient practice that uses sound vibrations to create deep resonance within the cells of your body. Throughout history, various cultures have used sound as a healing tool. Yogis, monks, shamans, and healers have employed instruments like gongs, crystal bowls, and bells to induce higher states of consciousness and promote harmony in mind and body.


During a Sound Healing session, you are immersed in the vibration of healing instruments. These vibrations penetrate deeply into your being, creating an environment conducive to releasing energetic blockages and restoring internal balance. Physiologically, sound waves travel through your body, affecting cellular function and promoting harmony on a physical, mental, and emotional level.


A Sound Bath is an immersion experience in which you surround yourself with the healing sounds of instruments such as gongs, crystal bowls, chimes, and more. We begin with a meditation or breathing exercise to induce relaxation, and then you immerse yourself in the surrounding sound.

In this experience, stress dissipates, and you can let go of what no longer serves you.


You will feel how your vibration aligns with the vibration of the environment, leading you to states of deep healing.


The information contained on this website and the services we provide such as healing, reiki, hypnotherapy, or any other form of healing or consultation services are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for qualified medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While our methods and guidance may accelerate healing, please work closely with your physician or medical caregiver to monitor your current situation and receive suitable medical advice or intervention as needed.