• What exactly is Hypnosis?

    Hypnosis is a trance state of deep relaxation and heightened imagination. It is a normal state that most people experience on a regular basis, such as when daydreaming or getting lost in thought. Just as in these instances, you are fully conscious, but tune out most of the stimuli around you. This gives you the ability to focus on the limiting belief without any other thought interrupting.

  • What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming is how we use the basic language of our mind to consistently achieve the results we want in life. When used in conjunction with hypnosis, NLP is an empowering tool that will teach you effective communication skills and how to be in charge of your own emotions.

  • How does Hypnosis work?

    Your subconscious mind is what controls most of your beliefs and behaviors. When you are you in trance, your subconscious mind is in a heightened state and easily suggestible. Your hypnotist will suggest new belief patterns to reprogram the old thought process. It’s like getting a software update to remove the glitches.

  • How do I prepare for a session?

    Know what your goal for the session is. What belief do you want to get rid of and what is the new thoughts you want to replace it with? Then just have an open mind about it. I will walk you through the rest.

  • What does it feel like to be in a hypnotic state?

    Hypnosis is very similar to being a deep meditative state. Have you ever found yourself driving and you a reach your destination without remembering how you got there because you were lost in thought? That’s called a trance and is exactly what hypnosis is. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and you are always fully awake and in full control of your thoughts.

  • What Hypnosis is not?

    Contrary to what you see on TV, hypnosis is not being put to sleep with a swinging clock and then to cluck like a chicken and stand on your head. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and you are always in control of your thoughts and actions.